Currently, New post is trending on social media, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak was spotted wearing boAt headphones, just before the G20 Summit in India.
This unexpected sighting become sensation on social media, and here’s what happened.
Rishi sunak, visited India to attend the G20 Summit, an important meeting with leaders around the world.
Rishi sunak decided to meet Young Indian Students at the British Council before meeting.
During this meeting, he shared the photo on Instagram, In this photo, he was wearing headphones on his ears. These headphones are made by a company called boAt, which is very popular in India for its cool and affordable audio products.
Instagram post shared by Rishi Sunak (credit :@rishisunakmp)

The exciting part is that Aman Gupta (CEO and co-founder of boAt) saw this picture on Instagram. As we know, he is Master of Marketing. He was so happy and proud to see the UK Prime Minister wearing headphones made by his company.
So he reshared the photos on his own Instagram account which is (@boatxaman)
Aman Gupta added a caption to post which is “Bharat mein aapka boAt boAt Swaagat”, which Highlights his boAt brand while welcoming. It’s a great caption by such a marketing expert.
Official Instagram Post By Aman Gupta : (credit : @boatxaman)
This post by Aman Gupta Quickly became famous on social media. Many people liked it and left comments. Some people praised.
Aman Gupta for his clever marketing.
So, this moment was a special one for Aman Gupta and boAt. It also showed how Indian brands like boAt are becoming popular not just in India but around the world.
Rushi Sunak also share more updates on G20 Summit on his Instagram account:

As the G20 Summit continues, people are excited to see what other interesting things might happen, both in politics and in the world of technology and business.
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